Next-Level Career Coaching Program
Personalized career design and strategic job search coaching program to help you find the job you truly love, and build a successful, blissful, happy career and life.

The Ultimate Career Coaching Package!
This is a three-month comprehensive, personalized career design and strategic job search coaching program, designed to help you land the job that best matches your strengths and life purpose, and meets your financial goals.
We will use powerful techniques, strategies, and actionable steps to help you identify your unique life purpose, values, and strengths, aligning them with a career in your desired work environment that meets or exceeds your financial needs.
This coaching program is built on the premise that every person has a purpose in life, and when you align your career with your life purpose, you can find meaning in your work. And that is when you can find true job satisfaction.
We will use the proven Human Potential Coaching tools to help you design your ideal work-life, elevate your Emotional Intelligence, build Resilience, and put in place productivity habits that will enable you to build a happier, successful and rewarding career.
Who Is This Program For?
This program is for you if:
Feeling Unfulfilled
You seem on the surface to be doing well in your job or career, but deep down inside you feel empty and unfulfilled... and you are looking for an answer.
Lack of Career Progress
You have been struggling to pick up traction in your career. You are restless and cannot seem to settle down on anything substantial. You have not made any significant career progress, which is a sign that what you are doing is not in alignment with your purpose and value.
Hate Your Job
You feel stuck at your job. You feel miserable, unappreciated, and under-paid. You hate your job and/or dislike your boss. You know you want and deserve something better, but you don’t know where or how to start.
Ready for a Fresh Start
You are returning to the workforce after a period of absence (for example, to raise your children as a stay-at-home dad or mom)… and need to make a fresh start.
This is a 12-Week Coaching Program Divided into Five Modules
Next-Level Career Coaching
Module 1: Self-Discovery and Life Purpose
We start here because each of us is on a unique path in life, and each of us has a unique purpose. The secret to a blissful career is to align your career with your unique life purpose. When you do that, “your vocation becomes your vacation,” to paraphrase Mark Twain.
According to the legendary coach, Marcia Bench, people who truly enjoy their job are those whose work emanates from “their authentic self and allows them to be who they truly are while doing what they most love and feel passionate about, and provides the most meaning.”
In this first module, I will work with you to identify your true life purpose and values, explore your motivators and interests, and nail down your skills, strengths, and abilities.
We will also uncover whatever doubts, fears, insecurities, mindsets, and limiting beliefs that might be blocking you from securing the career and life you deserve, and clear them.
Once you have a clarity of your authentic picture of your life and career, we can then work to make your next level career move a lot easier and a lot of fun.
Module 2: Career Design and Job Target Exploration
Having nailed your life purpose and created a vision for the career and life you want, we will then dive into exploration of careers that align with that vision. I will provide you with series of powerful tools, resources, personalized exercises and assessments that will help you begin to locate and explore different career paths available and accessible to you.
Some of these career paths may even be beyond your current awareness. You will be amazed at what’s out there… both in domestic and international markets, for-profit and non-profit fields, traditional and emerging careers, conventional and unconventional career paths.
I will hold the space for you, as we explore your career field, eliminate what don’t fit, develop even more clarity about your career path, and tailor your options down to a best-fit short list that you can pursue.
Module 3: Job Search Documents Review and Digital Branding
This module is focused on reviewing, revising and polishing your various job search documents. We will also review your digital footprints. I will support you with the tools you need, based on your needs. This may include:
- Resume and cover letter reviews
- Polishing your Elevator Speech (TMAY)
- Review of Endorsement Portfolios and reference letters
- LinkedIn and other social media presence reviews
- Online reputation assessment
Module 4: Strategic Job Search Campaign
In this module, I work with you to start taking strategic, market-oriented approach to your job search. You will start thinking of yourself as a product to be marketed. And I will assist you in designing a marketing strategy using an appropriate mix of published and unpublished job sources, to ensure you identify the best openings that you are best suited for and depending on your goals.
I will support you with all the tools, skills, and strategies you need to actualize your career transformation, including professional networking strategies, interview and post-interview preparations, salary negotiations, and on-boarding.
Module 5: Designing Habits and Productivity Pyramid
I don’t just want to coach you to get a job, I want you to thrive in your job and accelerate your path to career success and transformation.
As part of this program, I will share with you some of my signature Human Potential Coaching tools and exercises to help you identify and become conscious of the activities and time investments that you make throughout your day so that you can focus on your highest value activities every day.
You will also learn how to create the right habits in your daily life to ensure your energy management, resilience, and productivity. When you master these powerful skills, you will surely take your career to the next level.
Are You Ready For Your Next-Level Career Transformation?
Throughout all the process...
- We will hold 3-4 coaching sessions (60 minutes each) per month, until you land a job, or our coaching contract ends.
- I will be flexible and adapt our sessions to meet your needs.
- We may schedule short phone calls (10 minutes max) to meet immediate needs that may arise (in between coaching sessions).
- I will respond to all your emails, text messages and questions
- I will be sending you links to pertinent articles and references.
- I will be asking you for weekly Progress Report.
- I will be regularly updating the coaching platform to reflect the progress we’re making.
- I will offer you additional one month FREE coaching (if needed) after the end of the 12-Week program.
- And we will be celebrating YOU and all your wins.
Experience the FULL POWER of Coaching... help you make the job or career change you want, find greater fulfillment at work, and achieve the job and career satisfaction you deserve.
This is a very small investment compared to a lifetime of thriving career, achievements, fulfillment, and income you can achieve with the help of my coaching.
Ready to gain clarity on your professional goals, unlock your ingenuity and resourcefulness, and take your career to the next level...
Program Details
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You are fully protected by my 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, for any reason at all, simply contact me within 30 days, and I will promptly issue a refund.